About us
We are a bunch of like minded people who want to contribute to a diversified, profitable and sustainable retail trading environment.
Our team is made up of mums, dads, developers, technical leads, data analysts, support personnel and business process specialists who combined have over 150 years of retailing experience.

Our goal at ABCis is to make retailing more profitable. Everything we develop, implement and support is driven by this goal.
We know how tough retailing can be and nothing makes us more proud than seeing our clients benefit from the things we love doing.
We leverage technology, data and decades of experience to provide products and services that improve our client's bottom line.
Whether that be aimed at reducing costs, making business processes more efficient, implementing pricing strategies to drive revenue and gross profit or finding ways to buy better, we have a solution that fits the bill.

Now you know who we are, what we do and how we do it, we would like to explain what we are about. We want to have long term, mutually beneficial relationships with our clients.
Those relationships need to be based on more than financial success if they are going to last. Yes we are driven by our love for business and delivering great outcomes for our clients but it is our shared values that make it all stick together.
Respect for our colleagues, clients and stakeholders. We treat people the way we want to be treated.
Being Bold. We accept that in order to continue to improve we need to take risks both as individuals and a company.
Integrity. We believe that values, morals and good manners are the best way to conduct ourselves both at home and at work.
Having a deep Passion for what we do.
We live to Innovate. Leveraging new technologies and adopting more efficient ways of doing things drives us everyday.
Quality. If we cannot be proud of what we do then we just won’t do it.
Diversity. It takes all types to make our company what it is and none of us are more important than the other.