Nick Cook owns and manages 7 supermarkets. His businesses are spread across three different trading chains in regional Victoria and New South Wales, Australia.
About five years ago, with 3 stores, Nick installed Ezylink, with the business growing it was a great way to streamline administrative processes across stores and save time on data entry. Before installing Ezylink all invoice data had to be entered manually into both the point of sale and accounting software. Now with seven stores, Nick estimates the time saving on data entry equates to a full-time annual salary.
Nick Cook finds the best thing about Ezylink for a business with multiple grocery stores is that allows the business to track accurately by department. For grocery stores with 10,000 different product skews over five or six departments this is hugely valuable.
It is not uncommon to get one invoice from a supplier for multiple stores that will have lines, in grocery, deli, dairy etc but with Ezylink the point-of-sale data can be merged in with the invoice data in the accounting software and it breaks the line items down to the appropriate departments. This really helps in accurately measuring departmental profit and loss across departments and stores.
In addition to the huge time and cost saving, accuracy of data is the other compelling reason Mr Cook has installed Ezylink in all seven grocery stores and would happily recommend Ezylink to other businesses.
Nick Cook sees Ezylink as an essential part of the process for good business management.